iTunes: 75. yes, and 153. we can't be friends 167. Sympathy is a knife featuring ariana grande
Spotify: 32. we can't be friends (+1) 114. intro
Apple Music: 14. we can't be friends (-1) 41. Stuck with U (=) 47. thank u, next (-1) 50. 7 rings (+1) 62. Into You (+4) 66. no tears left to cry (+5) 76. positions (=) 91. 34+35 (+4) 111. One Last Time
Shazam: 52. we can't be friends (=) 135. Boyfriend
iTunes Albums: 115. eternal sunshine
Spotify: 5. eternal sunshine (+2) 65. My Everything (+11) 79. Dangerous Woman (+6) 112. Positions 130. thank u, next 167. Yours Truly
Apple Music Albums: 4. eternal sunshine (+1) 48. thank u, next (+3) 50. Positions (-2) 54. Sweetener (+1) 62. Yours Truly (+2) 73. Dangerous Woman (+3) 106. My Everything 197. Christmas & Chill - EP
iTunes: 102. we can't be friends
Spotify: 74. we can't be friends (+3)
Apple Music: 11. we can't be friends (-1) 42. Stuck with U (+2) 75. 7 rings (+3) 76. thank u, next (+5) 110. no tears left to cry 119. One Last Time 144. positions 165. 34+35
Shazam: 14. we can't be friends (=)
iTunes Albums: 94. eternal sunshine (-38)
Spotify: 36. eternal sunshine (=) 113. Dangerous Woman 116. My Everything
Apple Music Albums: 13. eternal sunshine (=) 73. thank u, next (+18) 124. Positions 141. My Everything 151. Sweetener
iTunes: 189. Stuck with U
Spotify: 93. we can't be friends (+5) 168. intro
Apple Music: 46. we can't be friends (=) 56. Stuck with U (-1) 109. thank u, next 138. 7 rings 175. boyfriend
Shazam: 28. we can't be friends (-4) 101. Boyfriend 127. Be My Baby
Deezer: 90. Love Me Harder (=)
iTunes Albums: 49. Dangerous Woman 50. Sweetener
Spotify: 25. eternal sunshine (-1) 81. Dangerous Woman (-2) 101. My Everything 160. Positions 177. thank u, next
Apple Music Albums: 8. eternal sunshine (+1) 83. Positions (+23) 168. My Everything
Spotify: 68. we can't be friends (+3)
YouTube: 38. we can't be friends (NE)
Apple Music: 63. we can't be friends (+5) 170. no tears left to cry
Shazam: 124. we can't be friends
Deezer: 11. we can't be friends (=) 94. 7 rings (=)
Spotify: 40. eternal sunshine (+10) 161. My Everything
Apple Music Albums: 39. eternal sunshine (-1)
United States
Spotify: 70. Santa Tell Me (-2) 97. we can't be friends (+16)
Apple Music: 135. Santa Tell Me
Shazam: 197. we can't be friends
Deezer: 7. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 44. eternal sunshine (+22)
Apple Music Albums: 46. eternal sunshine (+1)
United Kingdom
iTunes: 178. Save Your Tears
Spotify: 15. Santa Tell Me (+21) 117. we can't be friends
Apple Music: 43. Santa Tell Me (+3) 103. we can't be friends 191. no tears left to cry
Deezer: 12. we can't be friends (=) 47. Santa Tell Me (=)
Spotify: 39. eternal sunshine (+15) 172. My Everything 179. Dangerous Woman
Apple Music Albums: 40. eternal sunshine (=)
Spotify: 62. Santa Tell Me (+26)
Apple Music: 48. we can't be friends (=) 81. Santa Tell Me (+64) 156. yes, and
Deezer: 10. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 73. eternal sunshine (+12)
Apple Music Albums: 30. eternal sunshine (-3) 157. Positions
iTunes: 61. Stuck with U 90. ghostin
Spotify: 13. we can't be friends (+3) 88. intro (+18) 117. One Last Time
Apple Music: 10. we can't be friends (=) 28. Stuck with U (=) 51. 7 rings (+3) 63. thank u, next (+7) 75. no tears left to cry (+10) 125. One Last Time 156. positions
Shazam: 90. we can't be friends (-1)
Deezer: 79. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 6. eternal sunshine (-1) 56. My Everything (+5) 60. Dangerous Woman (+4) 94. thank u, next (+13) 157. Positions
Apple Music Albums: 12. eternal sunshine (-1) 115. Sweetener 130. Positions
Spotify: 32. Santa Tell Me (+5) 98. we can't be friends (+5)
Deezer: 9. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 49. eternal sunshine (+7)
Apple Music Albums: 46. eternal sunshine (+4)
Apple Music: 57. we can't be friends (-2) 125. 7 rings 187. thank u, next
Spotify: 141. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 15. eternal sunshine (+1) 73. Positions (=) 83. thank u, next (-7) 119. Sweetener
Spotify: 40. Santa Tell Me (+5) 90. we can't be friends (+1)
Apple Music: 42. Santa Tell Me (+9) 68. we can't be friends (=) 140. no tears left to cry
Deezer: 9. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 41. eternal sunshine (+11) 177. My Everything
Apple Music Albums: 23. eternal sunshine (+8)
Spotify: 22. Santa Tell Me (+16)
Apple Music: 22. Santa Tell Me (+6)
Deezer: 13. we can't be friends (=) 85. Santa Tell Me (=)
iTunes Albums: 107. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 103. eternal sunshine
Spotify: 23. we can't be friends (+3) 91. Santa Tell Me (+8) 128. One Last Time 200. intro
Apple Music: 16. we can't be friends (+2) 83. Stuck with U (-6) 91. Santa Tell Me
Shazam: 44. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 9. eternal sunshine (+3) 62. My Everything (+7) 101. Dangerous Woman 126. thank u, next 150. Positions
Apple Music Albums: 17. eternal sunshine (+2)
Spotify: 48. Santa Tell Me (+24)
Apple Music: 31. Santa Tell Me (+15) 86. we can't be friends (+23) 105. Santa, Can't You Hear Me
Deezer: 9. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 155. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 93. eternal sunshine (+26)
New Zealand
Spotify: 126. we can't be friends
Apple Music: 57. we can't be friends (+3) 133. no tears left to cry 163. Stuck with U
Spotify: 52. eternal sunshine (+14) 195. My Everything
Apple Music Albums: 56. eternal sunshine (-2) 133. Positions
iTunes: 68. yes, and (-54)
Spotify: 24. Santa Tell Me (+13) 192. we can't be friends
Apple Music: 33. Santa Tell Me (+5) 35. we can't be friends (+13) 182. 7 rings
Deezer: 7. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 75. eternal sunshine (+7) 151. My Everything 162. Dangerous Woman
Apple Music Albums: 47. eternal sunshine (+80)
iTunes: 70. Santa Tell Me
Spotify: 10. Santa Tell Me (+3)
YouTube: 11. Santa Tell Me (+2)
Apple Music: 15. Santa Tell Me (+4) 82. we can't be friends (+25)
Deezer: 8. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 125. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 105. eternal sunshine
Spotify: 44. we can't be friends (+6) 70. Santa Tell Me (+18)
Deezer: 10. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 21. eternal sunshine (+6) 129. My Everything 137. Dangerous Woman 170. thank u, next
Apple Music: 43. we can't be friends (-5) 151. Stuck with U 179. Santa Tell Me 183. thank u, next 194. intro
Shazam: 138. Santa Tell Me 144. we can't be friends
iTunes Albums: 108. eternal sunshine
Spotify: 25. eternal sunshine (+5) 81. My Everything (+1) 91. thank u, next (+9) 114. Positions 129. Dangerous Woman
Apple Music Albums: 13. eternal sunshine (=) 112. Positions 195. Sweetener
Spotify: 71. Santa Tell Me (+49)
Apple Music: 34. we can't be friends (+5) 128. Santa Tell Me
Deezer: 6. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 127. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 84. eternal sunshine (-24)
iTunes: 154. we can't be friends 174. Save Your Tears
Shazam: 154. Santa Tell Me
Spotify: 138. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 22. eternal sunshine (+3) 127. Positions
Apple Music: 34. supernatural 39. God is a woman 44. we can't be friends 64. eternal sunshine 69. Saturn Returns Interlude 95. don't wanna break up again
Apple Music Albums: 1. eternal sunshine 91. Dangerous Woman (-2)
Hong Kong
Spotify: 94. we can't be friends (+6)
Spotify: 24. eternal sunshine (+4) 138. My Everything
Apple Music Albums: 21. eternal sunshine (+5)
iTunes: 74. Winter Things (-6)
Apple Music: 13. we can't be friends (-3) 46. Stuck with U (+8) 62. 7 rings (-1) 63. thank u, next (=)
iTunes Albums: 31. thank u, next (=) 43. Sweetener (=)
Apple Music Albums: 6. eternal sunshine (+1) 39. thank u, next (-11)
Saudi Arabia
Spotify: 59. we can't be friends (+2)
Apple Music: 24. we can't be friends (-3) 66. 7 rings 87. Into You
Deezer: 87. we can't be friends (=)
Apple Music Albums: 10. eternal sunshine (+5) 93. Dangerous Woman
Spotify: 138. we can't be friends
Shazam: 43. we can't be friends (-6) 178. the boy is mine
Spotify: 47. eternal sunshine (=) 153. My Everything
Apple Music Albums: 56. eternal sunshine (-1)
iTunes: 191. Santa Tell Me
Spotify: 13. Santa Tell Me (+2)
Apple Music: 13. Santa Tell Me (+4)
Deezer: 13. we can't be friends (=)
Apple Music Albums: 85. eternal sunshine (-23)
South Korea
Spotify: 104. Santa Tell Me
Apple Music: 83. Santa Tell Me (-1)
Shazam: 90. Santa, Can't You Hear Me (+11)
Apple Music Albums: 66. eternal sunshine (-6)
iTunes: 102. just like magic
Apple Music Albums: 23. eternal sunshine (+1) 180. Positions
Spotify: 153. Santa Tell Me
Apple Music: 135. we can't be friends
Deezer: 10. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 118. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 75. eternal sunshine (-31)
Apple Music: 47. we can't be friends (+10) 67. Into You 89. Santa Tell Me 92. no tears left to cry (-16)
Apple Music Albums: 30. eternal sunshine (+63) 53. Sweetener 68. Christmas & Chill - EP
Apple Music Albums: 15. eternal sunshine (=)
Spotify: 175. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 33. eternal sunshine (-2)
United Arab Emirates
Spotify: 31. we can't be friends (+8) 198. Santa Tell Me
Apple Music: 28. we can't be friends (=)
Deezer: 82. we can't be friends (=)
Apple Music Albums: 31. eternal sunshine (-8)
Apple Music Albums: 25. eternal sunshine (=)
iTunes: 92. Popular Song 150. we can't be friends 152. we can't be friends
Apple Music: 185. we can't be friends
Spotify: 119. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 14. eternal sunshine (-2) 46. thank u, next (+6) 123. Positions 125. Sweetener 169. My Everything
Apple Music: 18. we can't be friends (+4) 77. Stuck with U 90. 7 rings (-22)
iTunes Albums: 36. Sweetener (+14) 45. thank u, next (+14)
Apple Music Albums: 14. eternal sunshine (-5)
Papua New Guinea
Apple Music: 32. Stuck with U (-11) 64. positions 86. we can't be friends (+13)
Apple Music Albums: 58. Positions 63. Dangerous Woman (-50)
iTunes: 65. we can't be friends (-5)
Apple Music: 75. we can't be friends (+3)
Apple Music Albums: 28. eternal sunshine (-18) 43. Sweetener 53. thank u, next
Deezer: 6. we can't be friends (=)
Apple Music Albums: 68. eternal sunshine (+6)
Spotify: 161. Santa Tell Me
Apple Music: 189. Santa Tell Me
Shazam: 166. Santa Tell Me
Spotify: 144. My Everything
Apple Music Albums: 21. eternal sunshine (-5) 22. Positions 82. thank u, next (-28) 99. Dangerous Woman
Apple Music Albums: 14. eternal sunshine (-2) 48. Positions (-5) 56. thank u, next (-26) 96. Sweetener
Apple Music: 169. we can't be friends
iTunes Albums: 135. eternal sunshine
Spotify: 138. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 19. eternal sunshine (-3) 165. Positions
Apple Music: 148. we can't be friends
Spotify: 187. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 19. eternal sunshine (-1) 100. Positions (-8) 134. Sweetener
Apple Music: 68. Santa Tell Me (+19) 75. we can't be friends (-16)
Apple Music Albums: 31. Positions 44. thank u, next
Apple Music: 33. we can't be friends (-13) 100. Into You
Apple Music Albums: 20. eternal sunshine (+7) 96. Positions
Dominican Republic
iTunes: 2. Popular Song
Spotify: 104. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 25. eternal sunshine (=) 126. Positions
South Africa
Apple Music: 120. we can't be friends
Deezer: 96. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 114. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 135. eternal sunshine
Apple Music: 34. we can't be friends (=) 73. 7 rings 78. breathin
Apple Music Albums: 45. eternal sunshine (-27)
Apple Music: 32. we can't be friends (+42)
Apple Music Albums: 5. eternal sunshine (+5)
iTunes: 64. Santa Tell Me (-30)
Spotify: 89. eternal sunshine (+28)
Apple Music Albums: 15. eternal sunshine (-3) 68. thank u, next (+8)
Apple Music: 6. Santa Tell Me 80. positions (+12)
Apple Music Albums: 72. eternal sunshine (-2)
Apple Music: 60. we can't be friends (+5) 122. 7 rings
Spotify: 183. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 41. eternal sunshine (+12)
iTunes: 8. bloodline 134. Santa Tell Me
Spotify: 146. Santa Tell Me
Apple Music: 98. Santa Tell Me (+40) 117. we can't be friends
Spotify: 165. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 78. eternal sunshine (-19)
Costa Rica
Apple Music Albums: 8. eternal sunshine (=) 67. thank u, next (-10) 81. Positions
Brunei Darussalam
iTunes: 7. we can't be friends 82. Beauty and the Beast (-10)
Apple Music: 79. we can't be friends (-4) 87. Die For You (-4) 91. Save Your Tears (-4)
iTunes Albums: 28. thank u, next (=) 61. Sweetener (=)
Apple Music: 98. we can't be friends
Apple Music Albums: 24. eternal sunshine (-5) 81. thank u, next (-4) 95. Positions (-2)
Spotify: 177. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 101. eternal sunshine
Apple Music: 71. no tears left to cry (-3) 79. we can't be friends (-18)
Apple Music Albums: 16. eternal sunshine (+11)
Spotify: 153. we can't be friends
Apple Music: 95. we can't be friends (+3)
Deezer: 83. we can't be friends (=)
Apple Music Albums: 19. eternal sunshine (+7)
iTunes: 49. Stuck with U (=)
Apple Music: 13. we can't be friends (-4) 74. Stuck with U (-49)
iTunes Albums: 44. Sweetener (=)
Spotify: 96. eternal sunshine (+34)
Apple Music Albums: 44. eternal sunshine (-21) 53. Christmas & Chill - EP
Spotify: 92. eternal sunshine (+6) 128. Dangerous Woman 174. thank u, next
Apple Music Albums: 48. eternal sunshine (-13)
iTunes: 61. we can't be friends
Spotify: 66. Santa Tell Me
Apple Music Albums: 38. eternal sunshine (-4)
Apple Music Albums: 30. eternal sunshine (+25) 62. thank u, next 91. Positions
Spotify: 112. Santa Tell Me
Shazam: 37. we can't be friends (=)
Spotify: 138. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 78. eternal sunshine (-5)
Apple Music: 144. 7 rings
Spotify: 103. eternal sunshine 129. Dangerous Woman
Apple Music Albums: 59. eternal sunshine (+3)
Apple Music: 47. we can't be friends (+31) 54. 7 rings (+2) 96. Santa Tell Me (-23)
El Salvador
Apple Music Albums: 17. eternal sunshine (+10) 65. Dangerous Woman
Trinidad and Tobago
Apple Music Albums: 15. eternal sunshine (+27) 94. Sweetener
Spotify: 99. eternal sunshine (+30)
Apple Music Albums: 30. eternal sunshine (-1)
iTunes: 4. goodnight n go
Apple Music Albums: 53. eternal sunshine (-3)
Apple Music: 44. Save Your Tears (+34) 58. we can't be friends (+41)
St. Lucia
Apple Music Albums: 26. Dangerous Woman 94. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 34. eternal sunshine (+33) 76. Positions (-38)
Apple Music Albums: 50. eternal sunshine (-17) 62. Positions
Apple Music Albums: 44. eternal sunshine (-19) 71. thank u, next
Apple Music Albums: 9. Sweetener
Spotify: 43. Santa Tell Me (+4)
Apple Music: 44. we can't be friends (+8)
Apple Music Albums: 82. eternal sunshine (+14)
Apple Music Albums: 12. eternal sunshine (+16)
Apple Music Albums: 43. eternal sunshine (-9) 94. Positions
iTunes Albums: 50. Sweetener (-7)
Apple Music Albums: 21. eternal sunshine (+20)
Apple Music: 63. we can't be friends (+12)
Apple Music Albums: 76. eternal sunshine (-14)
Shazam: 162. we can't be friends
Apple Music Albums: 29. eternal sunshine (+10)
Sri Lanka
Apple Music Albums: 21. eternal sunshine (+14)
Apple Music Albums: 23. eternal sunshine (-1)
Shazam: 191. Bed
Apple Music Albums: 27. eternal sunshine (+5)
Apple Music Albums: 24. eternal sunshine (-9)
Apple Music Albums: 64. My Everything 88. eternal sunshine (-33)
Turks and Caicos
Apple Music Albums: 26. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 28. eternal sunshine (+3)
Apple Music: 97. 7 rings
Apple Music Albums: 74. Positions (-14)
Apple Music Albums: 34. eternal sunshine (+28)
Apple Music Albums: 35. eternal sunshine (-5)
Apple Music Albums: 35. eternal sunshine (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 42. eternal sunshine (+2)
British Virgin Islands
Apple Music Albums: 47. Sweetener
Spotify: 83. Santa Tell Me
iTunes: 55. Dance To This (-39)
Apple Music: 63. we can't be friends (-12)
Spotify: 164. Santa Tell Me
Apple Music: 88. Santa Tell Me
Apple Music Albums: 58. Positions (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 59. eternal sunshine (+8)
Apple Music: 61. yes, and
Cape Verde
Apple Music Albums: 61. eternal sunshine (-38)
Czech Republic
Apple Music Albums: 76. eternal sunshine (+1)
The Bahamas
Apple Music Albums: 81. eternal sunshine (-33)
Apple Music Albums: 83. eternal sunshine (+5)
St. Vincent and The Grenadines
Apple Music Albums: 83. eternal sunshine (+7)
Cayman Islands
Apple Music Albums: 85. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 90. eternal sunshine (-67)
Solomon Islands
Apple Music Albums: 92. eternal sunshine (-2)
Spotify: 166. eternal sunshine
Apple Music Albums: 123. eternal sunshine
iTunes Albums: 16. Sweetener (=)