j mena - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams AR UY PY
2024/01/01 84,541,097 14 23 --
2019/05/17 22,988,075 1 1 125
2019/06/29 9,713,279 21 20 --
2017/08/05 5,449,062 35 47 --
2019/08/02 4,255,296 26 25 --
2021/06/04 991,132 68 68 --
2020/02/21 821,760 64 97 --
2019/12/04 691,930 122 143 --
2019/08/02 599,142 109 142 --
2021/04/01 359,512 132 112 --
2019/08/02 292,738 93 93 --
2019/08/02 283,558 94 108 --
2018/02/16 258,996 148 144 --
2019/10/11 218,549 165 127 --
2019/08/02 203,874 143 156 --
2019/08/02 193,746 154 152 --
2017/10/26 106,678 171 -- --
2022/10/22 96,299 158 174 --
2019/05/14 67,936 173 157 --
2024/10/17 11,757 -- 172 --