Sticky Fingers - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams NZ AU
2024/12/28 11,237,054 69 --
2020/03/15 3,761,624 90 144
2016/09/30 1,419,854 135 75
2016/10/17 873,146 189 73
2020/03/15 351,003 139 134
2018/09/21 313,535 124 135
2018/04/13 287,081 144 106
2016/09/30 257,215 147 90
2016/09/30 228,373 163 100
2019/02/08 148,249 167 108
2020/06/23 131,175 193 109
2016/09/30 115,770 193 127
2016/09/30 112,782 151 122
2016/09/30 112,195 172 120
2016/09/30 110,735 158 125
2016/09/30 103,996 173 131
2021/09/24 96,128 99 64
2019/01/05 94,652 158 --
2016/09/30 90,787 -- 152
2016/09/30 80,058 -- 184
2016/09/30 78,751 -- 190
2019/02/08 72,604 180 153
2019/02/08 43,876 172 146
2019/02/08 42,778 187 151
2019/02/08 32,467 -- 176
2019/02/08 32,176 -- 180
2019/02/08 31,982 -- 183
2014/10/22 23,905 -- 181
2015/01/28 4,353 -- 199