Freddy Kalas - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams Global NO SE
2021/12/24 50,324,673 118 1 4
2016/06/03 39,544,493 -- 1 75
2015/01/16 31,457,652 180 1 73
2016/03/04 25,667,972 -- 1 66
2024/12/24 16,976,055 -- 12 10
2018/09/22 8,450,273 -- 18 --
2017/05/06 6,936,351 -- 13 --
2015/07/03 3,586,659 -- 18 --
2021/07/16 2,596,825 -- 28 --
2016/02/05 2,408,479 -- -- 53
2015/04/30 2,335,663 -- 29 --
2017/06/09 2,108,713 -- 44 --
2016/10/28 1,899,554 -- 27 --
2023/01/09 1,507,310 -- 15 --
2023/01/27 1,443,935 -- 24 --
2019/05/10 1,433,742 -- 57 172
2023/01/20 875,977 -- 33 --
2015/06/08 708,534 -- 77 --
2023/02/13 611,232 -- 41 --
2024/05/24 580,939 -- 61 --
2022/07/01 570,698 -- 76 --
2021/01/22 398,562 -- 44 --
2023/01/30 246,066 -- 99 --
2023/03/24 123,673 -- 99 --
2019/03/29 86,904 -- 141 --
2023/04/21 81,096 -- 174 --
2022/02/18 79,645 -- 132 --
2023/02/20 72,884 -- 185 --