iTunes: 13. That's So True (-4) 62. Close To You (+45) 115. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Spotify: 2. That's So True (+1) 21. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+4) 82. Close To You (+10) 142. I miss you, I'm sorry 182. Risk
YouTube: 13. That's So True (+1)
Apple Music: 1. That's So True (=) 25. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+3) 88. Risk (+3) 100. Close To You (-1)
Shazam: 6. That's So True (+1) 78. Close To You (+3)
Deezer: 5. That's So True (-1)
iTunes Albums: 81. The Secret of Us (-40)
Spotify: 3. The Secret of Us (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 8. The Secret of Us (=) 120. Good Riddance
iTunes: 8. That's So True (-2)
Spotify: 1. That's So True (+1) 26. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=) 96. Close To You (+2) 161. I miss you, I'm sorry
YouTube: 8. That's So True (=)
Apple Music: 2. That's So True (=) 38. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=)
Shazam: 6. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 6. That's So True (-4) 90. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+3)
iTunes Albums: 109. The Secret of Us
Spotify: 2. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music Albums: 12. The Secret of Us (=)
iTunes: 95. I Love You, I'm Sorry 149. That's So True
Spotify: 3. That's So True (+1) 36. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+3) 130. I miss you, I'm sorry
YouTube: 20. That's So True
Apple Music: 5. That's So True (=) 35. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+2)
Shazam: 10. That's So True (=) 97. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=)
Deezer: 3. That's So True (+1) 61. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-4)
iTunes Albums: 130. The Secret of Us
Spotify: 2. The Secret of Us (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 13. The Secret of Us (-3)
iTunes: 23. That's So True 70. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Spotify: 1. That's So True (=) 8. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-1) 37. Close To You (-1) 50. I miss you, I'm sorry (-8) 94. Risk (+3) 193. Everywhere, Everything
YouTube: 5. That's So True (=) 41. I Love You, I'm Sorry (NE)
Apple Music: 1. That's So True (=) 8. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=) 98. Risk (-27) 102. Close To You
Shazam: 5. That's So True (=) 30. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=)
Deezer: 2. That's So True (+2) 19. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-1)
iTunes Albums: 142. The Secret of Us
Spotify: 1. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music Albums: 9. The Secret of Us (=) 179. Good Riddance
United Kingdom
iTunes: 11. That's So True (+1)
Spotify: 1. That's So True (=) 13. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-2) 67. I miss you, I'm sorry (-2) 88. Close To You (+13)
YouTube: 10. That's So True (+1) 83. I Love You, I'm Sorry (NE)
Apple Music: 2. That's So True (=) 27. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+2)
Shazam: 9. That's So True (=) 85. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=)
Deezer: 2. That's So True (+1) 33. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-1)
Spotify: 2. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music Albums: 15. The Secret of Us (+1)
United States
iTunes: 13. That's So True (-2)
Spotify: 6. That's So True (+2) 44. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=) 151. Close To You
YouTube: 37. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 18. That's So True (+1) 109. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Shazam: 15. That's So True (=) 195. Close To You
Deezer: 6. That's So True (-1)
iTunes Albums: 27. The Secret of Us (+16)
Spotify: 7. The Secret of Us (+1)
Apple Music Albums: 20. The Secret of Us (+1)
iTunes: 19. That's So True (-4)
Spotify: 6. That's So True (-1) 101. I Love You, I'm Sorry
YouTube: 28. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 6. That's So True (+1) 99. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=) 185. Close To You
Shazam: 4. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 2. That's So True (+1) 97. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-13)
Spotify: 5. The Secret of Us (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 20. The Secret of Us (+3)
iTunes: 130. Close To You 199. That's So True
Spotify: 9. That's So True (-1) 108. I Love You, I'm Sorry
YouTube: 23. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 4. That's So True (+1) 29. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+7)
Shazam: 19. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 6. That's So True (-3)
Spotify: 4. The Secret of Us (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 26. The Secret of Us (+13)
New Zealand
iTunes: 184. That's So True
Spotify: 4. That's So True (=) 50. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-2) 143. Close To You
YouTube: 29. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 3. That's So True (=) 36. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+1) 178. Close To You
Shazam: 19. That's So True (=) 160. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Spotify: 3. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music Albums: 12. The Secret of Us (+1)
iTunes: 29. That's So True (+2)
Spotify: 28. That's So True (=)
YouTube: 64. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 28. That's So True (+1)
Shazam: 5. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 1. That's So True (+3) 100. I Love You, I'm Sorry
iTunes Albums: 129. The Secret of Us
Spotify: 34. The Secret of Us (+3)
Apple Music Albums: 57. The Secret of Us (-6)
iTunes: 10. That's So True (+8)
Spotify: 6. That's So True (=) 76. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-12)
YouTube: 42. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 6. That's So True (=) 65. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=)
Shazam: 9. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 7. That's So True (-2) 96. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+3)
Spotify: 3. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music Albums: 17. The Secret of Us (=)
iTunes: 11. That's So True (+3) 131. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Spotify: 35. That's So True (+3)
Apple Music: 10. That's So True (=) 161. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Shazam: 5. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 41. That's So True (+36)
Spotify: 32. The Secret of Us (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 22. The Secret of Us (=)
iTunes: 138. That's So True
Spotify: 4. That's So True (-1) 31. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-3) 103. I miss you, I'm sorry
YouTube: 19. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 9. That's So True (=) 96. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+9)
Shazam: 13. That's So True (-2)
Deezer: 4. That's So True (-1) 69. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+3)
Spotify: 2. The Secret of Us (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 30. The Secret of Us (-1)
iTunes: 43. That's So True
Spotify: 24. That's So True (+1)
YouTube: 82. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 57. That's So True (-1)
Shazam: 27. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 16. That's So True (-1)
Spotify: 42. The Secret of Us (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 124. The Secret of Us
Spotify: 15. That's So True (-1)
Apple Music: 12. That's So True (=) 87. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-1)
Shazam: 7. That's So True (=)
Spotify: 12. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music Albums: 16. The Secret of Us (-1) 184. Good Riddance
iTunes: 75. That's So True (+50)
Spotify: 67. That's So True (+2)
Apple Music: 55. That's So True (-1)
Shazam: 20. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 39. That's So True (-4)
Spotify: 29. The Secret of Us (-5)
Apple Music Albums: 26. The Secret of Us (+2)
iTunes: 142. That's So True
Spotify: 7. That's So True (-1) 31. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-2) 150. I miss you, I'm sorry
YouTube: 16. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 5. That's So True (+1) 26. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-1)
Shazam: 12. That's So True (=) 156. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Deezer: 5. That's So True (-1) 99. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Spotify: 2. The Secret of Us (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 30. The Secret of Us (+3) 73. Good Riddance (+59)
iTunes: 51. That's So True (-7) 147. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Spotify: 29. That's So True (+4)
Apple Music: 10. That's So True (-1)
Shazam: 7. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 92. That's So True
iTunes Albums: 74. The Secret of Us
Spotify: 31. The Secret of Us (-5)
Apple Music Albums: 13. The Secret of Us (=)
Spotify: 19. That's So True (-3)
Apple Music: 12. That's So True (+1)
Shazam: 27. That's So True (-2)
Deezer: 19. That's So True (-4)
Spotify: 32. The Secret of Us (-5)
Apple Music Albums: 42. The Secret of Us (+2)
iTunes: 109. That's So True
Spotify: 5. That's So True (=) 60. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-5) 191. I miss you, I'm sorry
YouTube: 20. That's So True
Apple Music: 5. That's So True (+1) 86. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+10) 194. Close To You
Shazam: 21. That's So True (-5)
Deezer: 4. That's So True (+2) 100. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-5)
Spotify: 4. The Secret of Us (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 16. The Secret of Us (+6)
Spotify: 5. That's So True (+1) 27. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-2) 104. Close To You 139. I miss you, I'm sorry
Apple Music: 5. That's So True (=) 46. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+2)
Shazam: 9. That's So True (=) 51. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=)
Deezer: 41. That's So True (+8)
Spotify: 4. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music Albums: 9. The Secret of Us (-2)
Spotify: 7. That's So True (=) 51. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+7)
Shazam: 6. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 7. That's So True (-2)
Spotify: 7. The Secret of Us (-1)
South Africa
iTunes: 69. That's So True (-38)
Spotify: 40. That's So True (+16)
YouTube: 97. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 22. That's So True (+2) 159. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Deezer: 7. That's So True (-1)
Spotify: 30. The Secret of Us (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 81. The Secret of Us (+6)
Spotify: 10. That's So True (-1) 133. I Love You, I'm Sorry
YouTube: 13. That's So True (+3)
Apple Music: 6. That's So True (=) 55. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+3)
Shazam: 9. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 4. That's So True (=) 82. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-9)
iTunes Albums: 105. Good Riddance
Spotify: 8. The Secret of Us (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 33. The Secret of Us (-7)
iTunes: 40. That's So True
Spotify: 10. That's So True (+1) 66. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+5)
Apple Music: 10. That's So True (=) 88. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+5)
Shazam: 3. That's So True (=)
Spotify: 5. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music Albums: 13. The Secret of Us (-1) 184. Good Riddance
Spotify: 9. That's So True (+1) 45. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+1)
YouTube: 36. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 13. That's So True (+1) 53. I Love You, I'm Sorry (=)
Shazam: 8. That's So True (=) 67. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-4)
Deezer: 17. That's So True (-2) 63. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+34)
Apple Music Albums: 16. The Secret of Us (-2)
Czech Republic
Spotify: 13. That's So True (-1) 144. I Love You, I'm Sorry
YouTube: 34. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 10. That's So True (=)
Shazam: 22. That's So True (-3)
Deezer: 27. That's So True (-21)
Spotify: 11. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music Albums: 39. The Secret of Us (+12)
iTunes: 194. Risk
Spotify: 33. That's So True (=) 173. I Love You, I'm Sorry
YouTube: 59. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 18. That's So True (-1) 96. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+10)
Shazam: 19. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 35. That's So True (=)
Spotify: 13. The Secret of Us (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 19. The Secret of Us (-1) 182. Good Riddance
Apple Music: 28. That's So True (=) 173. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Shazam: 43. That's So True (=)
Spotify: 134. The Secret of Us
Apple Music Albums: 54. The Secret of Us (+1)
Spotify: 9. That's So True (-1) 131. I Love You, I'm Sorry
YouTube: 73. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 13. That's So True (+1)
Shazam: 24. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 13. That's So True (-4)
Spotify: 10. The Secret of Us (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 57. The Secret of Us (-2)
iTunes: 19. That's So True
Spotify: 20. That's So True (-1) 117. I Love You, I'm Sorry
YouTube: 99. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 39. That's So True (+2)
Shazam: 13. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 11. That's So True (+28)
Spotify: 12. The Secret of Us (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 39. The Secret of Us (+3)
Saudi Arabia
Spotify: 10. That's So True (=) 90. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-7)
Apple Music: 5. That's So True (=) 39. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-3)
Shazam: 22. That's So True (=)
Apple Music Albums: 13. The Secret of Us (=) 52. Good Riddance (-19)
United Arab Emirates
Spotify: 8. That's So True (=) 69. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+1)
Apple Music: 7. That's So True (+2) 88. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Shazam: 20. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 9. That's So True (+3)
Apple Music Albums: 21. The Secret of Us (+7)
Hong Kong
Spotify: 38. That's So True (=)
Apple Music: 129. That's So True
Spotify: 13. The Secret of Us (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 35. The Secret of Us (=)
Spotify: 45. That's So True (+1)
Apple Music: 82. That's So True (+4)
Spotify: 31. The Secret of Us (-9)
Apple Music Albums: 40. The Secret of Us (+4)
Spotify: 10. That's So True (+3) 133. I Love You, I'm Sorry
YouTube: 53. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 17. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 77. I Told You Things (+1)
Apple Music Albums: 27. The Secret of Us 38. Good Riddance
iTunes: 97. That's So True (-93)
Spotify: 23. That's So True (-2)
Apple Music: 27. That's So True (+1)
Deezer: 2. That's So True (+2)
Spotify: 17. The Secret of Us (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 96. The Secret of Us (-17)
Spotify: 6. That's So True (+2)
YouTube: 25. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 8. That's So True (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 34. The Secret of Us (+9)
Apple Music: 5. That's So True (-1) 26. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-11) 48. Close To You (-18)
Deezer: 69. That's So True
Apple Music Albums: 14. The Secret of Us (+2) 41. Good Riddance (-2)
Apple Music: 164. That's So True
Shazam: 68. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 10. That's So True (+1)
iTunes Albums: 12. The Secret of Us
Apple Music Albums: 61. The Secret of Us (-21)
YouTube: 19. That's So True (+1)
Apple Music: 6. That's So True (+2) 26. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+32)
Apple Music Albums: 18. The Secret of Us (+8)
Spotify: 17. That's So True (-1) 168. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Apple Music: 12. That's So True (-2) 46. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+2)
iTunes Albums: 32. The Secret of Us (-9)
Apple Music Albums: 53. The Secret of Us (-18)
iTunes: 49. That's So True (+50)
Spotify: 168. That's So True
Apple Music: 33. That's So True (-1)
Shazam: 5. That's So True (=)
iTunes Albums: 180. The Secret of Us
Spotify: 46. The Secret of Us (-8)
Apple Music Albums: 42. The Secret of Us (+11)
Spotify: 20. That's So True (+10) 80. I Love You, I'm Sorry (+12)
YouTube: 42. That's So True (NE)
Apple Music: 21. That's So True (+8)
Spotify: 91. That's So True (-4)
Apple Music: 61. That's So True (+3)
Shazam: 75. That's So True (=)
Spotify: 39. The Secret of Us (-5)
Apple Music Albums: 34. The Secret of Us (+13)
Apple Music: 9. That's So True (-1) 37. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-14) 65. Close To You
Apple Music Albums: 26. The Secret of Us (-10)
Apple Music: 6. That's So True (=)
Apple Music Albums: 8. The Secret of Us (+4) 83. Good Riddance
Spotify: 16. That's So True (=)
Apple Music: 26. That's So True (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 68. The Secret of Us (+14)
Apple Music: 8. That's So True (+1)
Apple Music Albums: 19. The Secret of Us (+1) 90. minor (-27) 92. Good Riddance (-15)
Apple Music: 52. That's So True (+11)
Shazam: 121. That's So True
Spotify: 164. The Secret of Us
Apple Music Albums: 14. The Secret of Us (+7)
Spotify: 67. That's So True (-4)
Apple Music: 68. That's So True (+5)
Shazam: 89. That's So True (-2)
Deezer: 57. That's So True (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 32. The Secret of Us (-5)
Sri Lanka
Apple Music: 4. That's So True (=)
Apple Music Albums: 18. The Secret of Us (-3)
Apple Music: 6. That's So True (+2) 93. I miss you, I'm sorry 98. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-47)
Apple Music Albums: 69. The Secret of Us (-51)
Apple Music: 11. That's So True (-1) 83. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-5)
Apple Music Albums: 13. The Secret of Us (-4)
Spotify: 187. That's So True
Shazam: 15. That's So True (=)
Spotify: 148. The Secret of Us
Apple Music Albums: 43. The Secret of Us (-2)
Shazam: 158. That's So True
iTunes Albums: 24. The Secret of Us
Apple Music Albums: 81. The Secret of Us (-5)
YouTube: 19. That's So True (-1)
Apple Music: 9. That's So True (=)
Apple Music: 9. That's So True (+3) 64. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Apple Music Albums: 38. The Secret of Us
Spotify: 23. That's So True (+2)
Apple Music: 21. That's So True (+1)
Apple Music: 178. That's So True
Shazam: 102. That's So True
Spotify: 189. The Secret of Us
Apple Music Albums: 128. The Secret of Us
Apple Music: 11. That's So True (-5) 28. Risk 94. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Apple Music: 94. That's So True
Apple Music Albums: 3. The Secret of Us (+61)
Apple Music: 23. That's So True (+13)
Apple Music Albums: 35. The Secret of Us 96. Good Riddance
Trinidad and Tobago
iTunes: 23. That's So True (-14)
Apple Music: 46. That's So True (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 21. The Secret of Us (+20)
North Macedonia
Apple Music: 22. That's So True (+12)
Apple Music Albums: 14. The Secret of Us (+12)
Apple Music: 84. That's So True (-3)
Shazam: 14. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 50. That's So True (+47)
Apple Music Albums: 74. The Secret of Us (-41)
Apple Music: 18. That's So True (=)
Apple Music Albums: 21. The Secret of Us (+52)
Spotify: 99. That's So True (+4)
Apple Music: 49. That's So True (+8)
Shazam: 81. That's So True (=)
Apple Music Albums: 70. The Secret of Us (-34)
Apple Music: 26. That's So True (+12)
Apple Music Albums: 38. The Secret of Us (-10)
Spotify: 127. That's So True
Spotify: 35. The Secret of Us (-4)
Apple Music: 8. That's So True (-1)
Apple Music Albums: 86. The Secret of Us (+13)
Apple Music Albums: 92. The Secret of Us (+3)
Apple Music: 42. That's So True (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 65. The Secret of Us (-22)
Apple Music: 82. That's So True (+7)
Shazam: 107. That's So True
Apple Music Albums: 71. The Secret of Us (-30) 184. Good Riddance
Apple Music: 77. That's So True (+18)
Deezer: 99. That's So True
Apple Music Albums: 61. The Secret of Us
Apple Music: 192. That's So True
Shazam: 65. That's So True (=)
Apple Music Albums: 41. The Secret of Us (+13)
Dominican Republic
Spotify: 100. The Secret of Us (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 59. The Secret of Us (+56)
Apple Music: 51. That's So True (+34)
Apple Music Albums: 75. The Secret of Us (-16)
iTunes: 71. That's So True
Apple Music: 175. That's So True
Shazam: 124. That's So True
Apple Music Albums: 58. The Secret of Us (=)
Apple Music: 70. That's So True (+1)
Apple Music Albums: 62. The Secret of Us (-23)
Spotify: 131. That's So True
Spotify: 86. The Secret of Us (-8)
Papua New Guinea
Apple Music: 22. That's So True (+17)
iTunes: 90. I miss you, I'm sorry (-9)
Apple Music Albums: 35. The Secret of Us
Shazam: 97. That's So True (=)
Deezer: 71. That's So True
Spotify: 129. The Secret of Us
iTunes: 79. Close To You (-29)
iTunes Albums: 13. The Secret of Us (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 55. The Secret of Us (+36)
Apple Music: 35. That's So True
Shazam: 157. That's So True
Deezer: 66. That's So True
Apple Music Albums: 60. The Secret of Us (+3)
Apple Music Albums: 28. The Secret of Us
Apple Music: 74. That's So True (+2)
Apple Music Albums: 87. The Secret of Us (-66)
Spotify: 186. That's So True
Shazam: 162. That's So True
Apple Music Albums: 67. The Secret of Us (-39)
iTunes: 74. That's So True (-17)
iTunes Albums: 9. The Secret of Us (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 71. Good Riddance (+13)
Costa Rica
Shazam: 127. That's So True
Apple Music Albums: 49. The Secret of Us (-5)
South Korea
Spotify: 192. That's So True
Shazam: 25. That's So True (=)
Cayman Islands
Apple Music: 34. That's So True (-19)
Apple Music: 74. That's So True (-5)
Deezer: 74. That's So True (-47)
Apple Music Albums: 37. The Secret of Us (+9)
Apple Music: 40. That's So True (-11)
Apple Music Albums: 44. The Secret of Us (-39)
Apple Music: 47. That's So True (+1)
Apple Music Albums: 49. The Secret of Us
El Salvador
Apple Music Albums: 60. The Secret of Us (+10)
Apple Music: 66. That's So True (+22)
Apple Music Albums: 68. The Secret of Us
Apple Music: 74. That's So True
Apple Music: 98. That's So True (-4)
Shazam: 157. That's So True
Apple Music Albums: 76. The Secret of Us (-15)
Apple Music: 85. I Love You, I'm Sorry
Apple Music: 86. That's So True (-2)
Solomon Islands
Apple Music: 95. I Love You, I'm Sorry (-65)
Shazam: 172. That's So True
Spotify: 178. The Secret of Us
Deezer: 74. That's So True
Deezer: 83. That's So True
Shazam: 96. That's So True (+5)
Shazam: 104. That's So True
Shazam: 143. That's So True
iTunes: 123. Cool
Shazam: 184. That's So True