Barnens favoriter - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams SE
2022/12/24 5,307,384 68
2020/12/24 1,640,846 105
2024/12/13 566,744 172
2020/12/13 446,407 199
2024/12/01 345,256 192
2020/12/13 307,731 139
2020/12/13 302,323 198
2022/12/24 279,644 144
2020/12/13 259,464 52
2020/12/24 162,020 173
2020/12/13 124,218 99
2023/12/10 25,088 168
2022/11/27 24,416 188