Bvga Beatz - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams Global BR PT LU
2023/06/07 275,457,697 133 2 2 69
2023/05/19 129,940,939 -- 11 8 --
2023/06/23 59,537,135 -- 47 -- --
2023/05/19 51,348,583 -- 15 24 --
2023/03/24 47,836,885 -- 77 89 --
2024/03/22 34,249,666 -- 29 112 --
2023/08/18 26,254,346 -- 77 -- --
2023/05/19 13,776,950 -- 52 196 --
2023/05/05 12,392,504 -- 18 35 --
2023/05/19 6,583,858 -- 57 185 --
2023/05/19 5,743,624 -- 69 198 --
2023/09/01 5,691,106 -- 167 -- --
2023/12/15 4,948,116 -- 197 -- --
2023/10/09 3,341,545 -- 173 -- --
* OI
574,733 -- 154 -- --
2023/07/14 538,271 -- 116 -- --
2023/07/14 172,392 -- 185 -- --