Nadson O Ferinha - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams BR DO
2024/06/15 57,675,676 19 62
2023/07/01 31,662,593 64 --
2023/07/15 22,322,808 92 --
2021/05/29 18,999,593 64 --
2023/06/03 17,828,278 60 --
2023/06/03 5,093,045 169 --
2023/08/05 4,372,718 195 --
2023/05/14 3,381,038 161 --
2023/06/03 2,680,839 142 --
2021/05/01 1,945,511 81 --
2023/09/02 1,815,204 144 --
2023/05/20 1,381,071 169 --
2023/05/20 750,115 158 --
2023/04/21 448,093 165 --