Helena Paparizou - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams GR SE CY IS
2014/03/16 677,208 -- 34 -- --
2020/12/18 500,451 100 -- -- --
2022/09/23 209,703 88 -- -- --
2017/12/15 133,564 67 -- 50 --
2019/12/31 82,803 176 150 -- 142
2023/06/23 21,981 143 -- -- --
2020/09/19 19,424 143 -- -- --
2022/12/09 15,721 141 -- -- --
2018/10/20 6,783 138 -- -- --
2022/04/08 5,161 194 -- -- --
2021/01/29 3,646 152 -- -- --
2020/02/24 2,641 116 -- -- --
2019/03/27 1,341 157 -- -- --