Knucks - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams GB FR NG BE IE
2022/05/06 11,989,380 116 -- -- -- --
2022/04/01 2,622,794 64 -- -- -- --
2023/12/22 582,871 -- 118 -- 139 --
2022/05/06 535,731 87 -- -- -- 143
2023/03/03 478,215 163 -- -- -- --
2022/03/04 392,702 193 -- -- -- --
2022/09/09 57,131 190 -- -- -- --
2024/08/16 22,627 -- -- 143 -- --
2023/06/02 8,430 -- -- 159 -- --