Assala Nasri - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams EG SA MA AE
2024/02/15 10,364,281 6 63 -- --
2021/08/25 2,991,048 -- 35 -- --
2024/03/07 2,787,545 30 -- -- --
2024/04/24 2,005,361 46 -- -- --
2021/07/05 1,639,095 -- 44 -- --
2022/01/09 1,446,582 -- 3 -- --
2022/01/06 1,387,075 -- 8 -- 162
2024/02/22 1,313,891 11 175 -- --
2021/08/24 695,317 -- 154 -- --
2022/06/14 612,914 -- 29 -- --
2021/08/23 562,327 -- 118 -- --
2023/01/07 406,155 -- -- 24 --
2024/07/21 336,015 -- 62 -- --
2023/10/06 255,866 118 -- -- --
2020/06/30 99,685 -- 82 -- --
2019/07/16 75,567 -- 81 -- --
2024/11/25 23,768 189 -- -- --
2024/02/18 16,690 193 -- -- --
2019/06/30 9,088 -- 193 -- --