emre aydın - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams TR
2024/03/06 13,464,921 68
2025/01/27 3,626,616 91
2025/02/04 1,952,459 52
2017/11/17 1,474,826 87
2021/11/15 776,523 124
2018/11/15 536,899 99
2021/08/20 520,519 153
2020/04/27 417,962 106
2020/10/30 317,220 115
2018/04/13 138,521 154
2021/10/13 110,872 150
2016/10/24 3,170 185
2016/05/17 2,710 184