Hassan Shakosh - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams EG SA MA AE
2024/05/23 9,259,956 1 -- -- --
2020/03/26 2,427,679 1 15 25 48
2021/06/10 2,176,063 3 -- -- --
2024/05/23 1,924,373 42 -- -- --
2024/06/17 1,612,182 1 -- -- --
2020/03/19 1,260,140 3 52 133 188
2020/10/30 781,887 4 174 -- --
2020/02/27 478,401 33 -- -- --
2020/10/28 437,621 43 -- -- --
2022/11/03 361,743 47 -- -- --
2020/07/23 215,591 52 -- -- --
2020/09/25 151,185 3 173 -- --
2024/04/18 144,877 162 -- -- --
2020/05/31 85,293 122 -- -- --
2020/08/13 80,282 79 -- -- --
2020/12/03 74,422 57 -- -- --
2020/07/12 53,588 113 -- -- --
2021/07/09 46,193 166 -- -- --
2021/02/13 31,313 133 -- -- --
2020/03/16 27,461 55 155 -- --
2020/11/19 7,562 195 -- -- --
2020/06/25 6,178 173 -- -- --
2020/09/13 3,278 162 -- -- --