Judika - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams ID MY
2024/11/24 85,728,458 7 30
2025/02/10 27,002,280 54 --
2021/03/04 20,249,740 8 --
2025/02/16 17,934,975 65 --
2019/10/13 16,775,349 27 --
2025/02/12 7,693,086 180 102
2020/01/14 1,717,879 -- 63
2021/02/07 447,263 196 168
2017/04/07 41,045 176 --
2016/08/19 18,717 164 --