Johnny Drille - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams NG
2022/12/02 4,301,189 1
2023/05/03 2,678,436 23
2022/10/28 1,038,337 26
2024/12/13 331,429 167
2023/07/28 75,911 142
2022/12/02 44,798 88
2022/12/02 36,226 117
2022/02/20 32,086 90
* You
29,568 151
2022/10/28 25,461 146
2023/09/01 17,799 169
2022/10/28 8,597 108
2023/07/07 7,744 195
2022/10/28 3,462 171
2022/10/28 3,290 182
2022/10/28 3,216 184