Lérica - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams ES UY AD
2019/09/06 47,421,217 5 -- --
2020/07/24 41,515,097 14 -- 32
2020/02/07 27,647,199 20 -- --
2020/02/28 27,137,769 16 -- --
2021/07/10 9,359,197 63 -- --
2021/07/10 8,324,725 101 -- --
2019/03/16 7,936,278 73 -- --
2024/07/19 5,708,621 118 -- --
2020/07/24 2,702,913 139 -- --
2019/08/23 692,146 186 -- --
2020/11/27 650,672 121 -- --
2020/12/18 619,087 153 -- --
2021/11/26 357,425 199 -- --
2022/07/13 353,115 195 -- --
2021/09/24 171,420 160 -- --
2020/10/30 116,272 153 -- --
2021/12/03 58,581 152 -- --
2020/07/24 52,296 147 -- --
2017/09/21 42,107 163 -- --
2021/08/07 28,691 -- 171 --
2015/11/05 25,954 123 -- --