Corazón Serrano - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams PE DO
2020/12/31 2,760,832 58 --
2025/02/14 1,804,805 99 --
2023/01/01 1,160,093 150 --
2025/02/15 1,147,060 143 --
2025/01/01 1,067,310 141 --
2025/03/22 599,183 90 --
2025/03/22 513,443 108 --
2025/03/03 492,616 163 117
2025/03/22 43,344 172 --
2014/05/11 27,788 36 --
2025/02/15 23,387 192 --
2025/02/16 20,487 197 --
2014/04/20 5,045 48 --