Nahir - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams FR MA BE
2023/07/18 22,185,602 20 66 124
2021/05/21 2,049,230 115 -- --
2023/06/26 1,664,005 -- 14 --
2022/03/04 1,146,915 93 -- --
2020/11/06 856,912 70 -- --
2021/11/05 530,666 83 -- --
2023/06/16 385,204 179 -- --
2022/03/11 367,542 129 -- --
2022/03/11 355,788 133 -- --
2021/11/05 303,464 178 -- --
2021/07/12 70,721 189 -- --