Muti - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams TR CY
2023/11/17 99,440,553 4 32
2023/01/19 59,924,865 4 8
2023/05/20 55,356,263 5 12
2023/11/17 49,195,570 1 7
2022/04/29 45,413,492 10 24
2023/05/17 31,544,608 64 100
2021/07/16 21,400,105 18 36
2020/07/11 10,970,095 26 --
2024/09/20 10,109,131 51 89
2023/03/17 6,846,096 23 36
2023/04/28 4,624,260 89 --
2023/08/11 4,362,955 117 --
2024/04/26 3,911,821 106 160
2020/03/14 3,339,821 123 --
2022/11/04 3,249,624 58 160
2019/09/29 2,358,573 43 --
2017/03/25 834,978 22 --
2024/02/16 566,603 145 --
2022/02/04 273,666 186 --
2023/04/28 137,677 151 --
2023/10/06 69,016 188 --
2022/06/10 53,760 171 --
2017/03/25 41,640 172 --
2018/04/06 10,515 148 --