Darío Gómez - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams CO
2024/01/01 14,002,231 34
2022/07/27 1,376,931 66
2022/07/27 713,082 85
2022/07/27 271,751 147
2022/07/27 267,963 145
2025/01/01 267,740 199
2022/07/27 266,720 151
2022/07/27 239,834 179
2022/07/27 147,690 59
2022/07/27 136,360 57
2022/07/27 133,728 60
2022/07/27 132,381 63
2022/07/27 95,181 89
2022/07/27 77,734 74
2022/07/27 74,496 75
2022/07/27 33,051 84
2022/07/27 31,770 91
2023/01/01 30,694 172
2022/07/27 28,472 100
2022/07/27 27,638 103
2022/07/27 26,060 109
2022/07/27 22,035 138
2022/07/27 21,734 141
2022/07/27 19,959 162
2022/07/27 19,476 168
2022/07/27 19,377 169
2022/07/27 18,881 179
2022/07/27 17,364 196
2022/07/27 17,122 200