Kaśka Sochacka - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams PL
2024/01/20 20,498,060 8
2024/11/15 18,740,906 20
2024/11/22 7,343,936 107
2024/11/15 4,556,621 53
2024/11/15 941,573 65
2024/11/15 279,016 146
2024/11/15 278,935 147
2024/11/15 274,860 151
2024/11/15 241,285 196
2021/03/26 134,351 189
2024/11/15 50,837 111
2024/11/15 49,873 119
2024/11/15 47,947 124
2024/11/15 42,258 155