Billo's Caracas Boys - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams CO VE HN SV NI
2025/01/01 967,996 111 167 59 75 103
2023/01/01 753,273 103 56 185 -- --
2025/01/01 489,583 98 85 -- -- --
2025/01/01 236,989 89 102 -- -- --
2025/01/01 137,939 150 52 100 -- --
2022/12/25 122,036 105 84 -- -- --
2021/12/25 35,171 181 -- -- -- --
2025/01/01 33,757 -- 73 -- -- --
2024/12/25 15,183 -- -- 144 -- --
2017/11/05 3,901 191 -- -- -- --
2021/12/25 3,878 -- -- 181 -- 174