Niaks - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams FR MA BE
2023/09/29 10,317,473 64 165 176
2024/09/25 1,617,646 82 183 --
2023/09/29 1,439,545 139 -- --
2023/09/29 943,390 105 -- 123
2023/10/07 656,416 156 -- --
2023/09/29 569,698 176 -- --
2021/11/05 305,482 176 -- --
2022/10/21 64,181 146 -- --
2023/09/29 62,185 175 -- --
2023/09/29 61,724 177 -- --
2023/09/29 61,407 180 -- --
2023/09/29 59,461 191 -- --