Sissel - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams SE NO
2023/12/24 33,004,593 5 111
2014/12/24 1,388,482 -- 79
2022/12/24 1,239,410 -- 75
2021/12/24 424,095 -- 117
2015/12/24 405,780 68 --
2021/12/24 204,149 -- 170
2020/12/24 166,873 -- 180
2023/05/17 57,407 -- 79
2016/11/27 40,180 172 163
2020/12/24 33,406 -- 137
2016/12/24 32,889 -- 171
2020/12/24 21,512 -- 166
2022/12/24 20,442 -- 188
2015/12/24 20,131 -- 173