Nocny - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams PL
2019/02/01 25,285,617 9
2022/02/18 12,498,887 66
2022/02/25 4,607,258 19
2023/03/06 3,510,610 63
2020/02/25 2,757,535 31
2020/02/25 2,681,504 17
2019/03/15 2,324,490 23
2019/03/15 1,748,167 50
2019/02/22 787,402 51
* mY
782,132 49
2019/03/15 632,766 43
2020/02/25 521,042 115
* Thx
439,656 85
2021/02/12 381,181 100
2020/02/25 325,788 114
2020/02/25 313,080 117
2020/02/25 302,036 126
2020/02/25 296,617 129
2020/02/25 292,849 131
2020/02/25 291,193 138
2019/03/15 225,782 103
* 012
114,093 130
2019/03/15 98,571 151
2019/03/15 90,767 176
2019/03/15 86,287 184
2021/06/25 48,110 157
2019/03/15 38,313 159
2019/03/15 37,560 167
2022/08/12 32,428 185