France Gall - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams FR BE CH
2018/01/07 1,697,054 84 110 91
2018/01/07 418,380 70 136 155
2018/01/07 378,901 85 62 --
2018/01/07 221,270 130 67 --
2018/01/07 181,527 173 103 --
2018/01/07 175,255 182 56 --
2018/01/07 109,920 72 175 --
2018/01/08 106,589 87 97 --
2018/01/08 56,713 138 -- --
2018/01/08 47,745 170 -- --
2018/01/07 29,010 153 135 --
2018/01/08 28,438 151 -- --
2018/01/08 24,831 178 -- --