Korol i Shut - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams RU BY UA KZ
2021/09/17 25,844,944 6 5 5 72
2021/01/25 11,955,006 11 6 12 65
2021/09/17 5,945,195 79 18 83 195
2023/03/25 3,250,216 -- 6 68 125
2023/04/22 1,035,777 -- 30 100 65
2023/04/15 849,558 -- 26 166 --
2021/01/22 849,491 165 65 152 --
2021/01/21 843,744 197 48 165 --
2023/04/22 530,607 -- 54 -- --
2023/04/22 459,080 -- 71 -- --
2023/04/22 185,830 -- 111 -- --
2023/03/25 102,538 -- 132 -- --
2023/04/17 70,458 -- 113 -- --
2023/04/20 15,147 -- 172 -- --
2023/04/20 14,435 -- 196 -- --
2023/04/20 6,175 -- 185 -- --
2023/12/08 4,511 -- 187 -- --