TV Girl - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams Global US GB CA UA KZ LT SA LV PL EE AE IE RO CZ NZ BY AU SK BG SG
2024/01/23 657,900,104 100 38 90 111 109 52 34 71 42 154 67 134 159 183 -- 191 -- 192 198 160 163
2023/12/11 241,330,674 165 39 127 144 38 30 26 29 29 157 31 148 148 149 155 -- 107 -- 163 171 --
2023/12/11 90,295,203 -- 94 165 -- 54 73 36 79 41 197 37 182 150 153 188 -- 138 -- 162 200 --
2023/05/01 69,001,709 175 94 144 182 137 74 70 120 93 165 97 157 162 -- -- 138 -- 168 -- 176 --