Luis Alfonso - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams CO EC
2024/01/01 22,452,561 48 --
2024/06/09 21,401,254 21 176
2024/06/29 20,214,990 5 128
2024/06/29 18,650,487 8 --
2024/01/01 11,321,378 57 --
2024/01/01 4,713,319 100 --
2024/08/09 4,338,519 88 --
2024/01/01 2,409,005 166 --
2024/09/21 2,373,276 138 --
2024/08/24 1,505,060 140 --
2024/09/27 1,087,232 161 --
2024/06/08 346,269 154 --