Miss Montreal - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams NL BE
2020/11/21 34,645,051 9 --
2024/12/25 2,977,946 70 170
2021/05/08 2,287,306 65 --
2020/10/02 1,310,332 114 --
2020/10/30 1,162,559 44 --
2020/10/30 686,629 75 --
2024/08/17 508,493 153 --
2015/01/09 498,381 120 --
2020/12/25 418,883 165 --
2020/10/31 401,321 151 --
2024/06/28 229,926 162 --
2015/12/10 214,526 144 --
2020/03/28 146,561 185 --
2023/11/17 144,380 132 --
2014/11/13 143,027 177 --
2020/10/23 56,865 157 --
2016/12/25 48,561 170 --
2015/12/25 32,904 149 --
2025/03/07 32,072 183 --
2022/01/21 29,838 150 --
2021/07/02 25,806 171 --
2022/07/08 25,595 199 --
2016/04/22 12,546 136 --