Amar Azul - Spotify Chart History

Total streams here only cover the time spent in each top 200. For complete totals, go to Songs.

Peak Date Title Streams CL AR UY
2024/01/01 7,132,419 103 120 92
2024/01/01 3,475,552 122 -- --
2024/01/01 3,069,342 161 115 133
2024/09/18 1,467,023 147 -- --
2022/01/01 1,059,236 73 -- --
2025/01/01 214,432 122 -- --
2023/01/01 51,082 174 -- --
2023/01/01 47,896 186 -- --
2020/01/01 29,870 183 -- --