Most recent data:
Date | Views |
2024/12/05 | 280,276 |
2024/12/06 | 318,264 |
2024/12/07 | 318,264 |
2024/12/08 | 334,905 |
2024/12/09 | 362,496 |
2024/12/10 | 362,496 |
2024/12/11 | 347,325 |
2024/12/12 | 362,328 |
2024/12/13 | 362,328 |
2024/12/14 | 361,966 |
2024/12/15 | 391,752 |
2024/12/16 | 391,752 |
Yearly estimates:
Year | Views |
2019 | ~225,000,000 |
2020 | ~408,000,000 |
2021 | ~348,000,000 |
2022 | ~203,000,000 |
2023 | ~243,000,000 |
2024 | ~127,000,000 |
Monthly estimates:
Month | Views |
2019/08 | ~102,000,000 |
2019/09 | ~43,000,000 |
2019/10 | ~33,000,000 |
2019/11 | ~26,000,000 |
2019/12 | ~21,000,000 |
2020/01 | ~26,000,000 |
2020/02 | ~33,000,000 |
2020/03 | ~36,000,000 |
2020/04 | ~35,000,000 |
2020/05 | ~41,000,000 |
2020/06 | ~36,000,000 |
2020/07 | ~42,000,000 |
2020/08 | ~35,000,000 |
2020/09 | ~31,000,000 |
2020/10 | ~32,000,000 |
2020/11 | ~30,000,000 |
2020/12 | ~32,000,000 |
2021/01 | ~34,000,000 |
2021/02 | ~30,000,000 |
2021/03 | ~40,000,000 |
2021/04 | ~37,000,000 |
2021/05 | ~34,000,000 |
2021/06 | ~30,000,000 |
2021/07 | ~28,000,000 |
2021/08 | ~23,000,000 |
2021/09 | ~22,000,000 |
2021/10 | ~24,000,000 |
2021/11 | ~22,000,000 |
2021/12 | ~25,000,000 |
2022/01 | ~21,000,000 |
2022/02 | ~19,000,000 |
2022/03 | ~21,000,000 |
2022/04 | ~21,000,000 |
2022/05 | ~18,700,000 |
2022/06 | ~15,700,000 |
2022/07 | ~14,800,000 |
2022/08 | ~13,100,000 |
2022/09 | ~14,900,000 |
2022/10 | ~12,600,000 |
2022/11 | ~10,700,000 |
2022/12 | ~21,000,000 |
2023/01 | ~17,300,000 |
2023/02 | ~14,600,000 |
2023/03 | ~21,000,000 |
2023/04 | ~19,200,000 |
2023/05 | ~28,000,000 |
2023/06 | ~26,000,000 |
2023/07 | ~25,000,000 |
2023/08 | ~27,000,000 |
2023/09 | ~25,000,000 |
2023/10 | ~17,400,000 |
2023/11 | ~11,200,000 |
2023/12 | ~12,600,000 |
2024/01 | ~11,600,000 |
2024/02 | ~10,800,000 |
2024/03 | ~11,400,000 |
2024/04 | ~11,400,000 |
2024/05 | ~12,600,000 |
2024/06 | ~12,000,000 |
2024/07 | ~10,700,000 |
2024/08 | ~10,600,000 |
2024/09 | ~10,900,000 |
2024/10 | ~10,600,000 |
2024/11 | ~9,400,000 |
2024/12 | ~5,400,000 |
Published: 2019/08/02
Total views: 1,555,424,071
Expected to hit 2,000,000,000 on: 2027/05/30
Most views in a day: 5,416,031 (2019/08/21)
Likes: 3,840,636
Peaked at #6 and charted for 189 weeks.
On top lists:
#186 overall
#12 published in 2019
#205 of 2019
#43 of 2020
#58 of 2021
#121 of 2022
#87 of 2023
#125 biggest classic
#129 by male artists
#43 by hispanophone artists
#140 fastest to 1 billion
Available worldwide.