YouTube Kosovo - Week ending 2025/02/13 | Daily

1 =
Annella - S´Arrij
3 1(x3) 21,846 +5,413
Sladki Greh - Viva La Banda
1 2(x1) 714
3 +7
John Bozidis - Kanei Bam
2 3(x1) 335 +280
Loni Haklaj - 1 mesazh
1 4 234
5 -1
Hòa Minzy - Kiên Trì Là Dì Thành Công
4 1(x1) 171 -54
6 -1
G.V. Prakash Kumar - Karikuzhambu Vaasam
3 5 161 -16
7 +7
Kushtrim Dobra - Xhelozia
2 7 137 +104
Rema - Baby (Is it a Crime)
1 8 123
9 =
Sin Boy - X
2 9 65 -6
10 NEW
Twin1 - S’jeni Burra
1 10 48
11 NEW
Genc Leka - Thirrem
1 11 46
12 NEW
Eric 卓俊豪 - 蛇么都可以
1 12 37
13 NEW
MJ GRIZZ - Vybez
1 13 37
14 NEW
Eglo - Shokt
1 14 37
15 NEW
Eduart Dëma - SYRI KEQ TE PELCAS (Kolazh)
1 15 34
16 NEW
Ard Gashi - Do te vij tek ti
1 16 34
17 RE
Brytiago - Ropita Europea
2 6 34
18 NEW
Rani Hazarika - Asia and Africa - Together We Will Rise and Transcend
1 18 30
19 -13
Jasko Selimovic - Mala
3 6 26 -81
20 NEW
Tomor - Fjalë
1 20 26