Apple Music: 14. Baby O (=) 15. Dark Ages (=) 33. Try Dat (=) 53. One Phone Call (=) 60. Cannot Lose (=) 84. Poco Wine (=) 94. Don't Stop (=) 98. Go Go Wine (=)
Apple Music Albums: 97. King of the Dancehall (=)
iTunes: 10. Like a Movie (=) 11. M.O.T.M (=) 15. Gon' Get Better (-3) 16. Yardman Style (-3) 17. Bubble Hard (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 22. Viking 34. Viking (+24) 57. First Week Out (-37)
St. Vincent and The Grenadines
Apple Music: 21. God Is The Greatest (-5)
Apple Music Albums: 16. Viking (-11) 44. Of Dons & Divas 48. Born Fi Dis 79. The Trend Setterz, Vol. 1 80. Kingston Story
Antigua and Barbuda
iTunes: 20. Hot Spot (-2) 22. God Is The Greatest (-2)
Apple Music: 44. Amout (+36)
iTunes Albums: 68. King of the Dancehall (+1) 94. Of Dons & Divas (+1)
Apple Music Albums: 5. Viking (+3) 17. Reggae Love Songs (+77)
iTunes: 15. Jump in the Benz (+2) 18. Tun Up di Scheme (=) 72. Real Badman (=)
Apple Music: 32. God Is The Greatest (=)
iTunes Albums: 11. King of the Dancehall (+2) 18. Of Dons & Divas (+2)
Apple Music Albums: 7. Viking (+23) 54. More Up 2 di Time
Apple Music: 28. God Is The Greatest (-2) 42. Amout (+2)
Apple Music Albums: 8. Viking (-3) 16. Viking (+74)
YouTube: 18. God Is The Greatest (+1)
Apple Music Albums: 11. Viking (+1) 37. To Tanesha (+14) 64. More Up 2 di Time (+29)
iTunes: 9. M.O.T.M
Apple Music: 102. God Is The Greatest
Shazam: 15. God Is The Greatest (=) 101. Clarks 111. Amout 151. M.O.T.M
iTunes Albums: 11. Viking (-3)
Apple Music Albums: 66. Viking (-11)
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Apple Music: 49. God Is The Greatest (+19) 88. Amout
Apple Music Albums: 22. Viking (-7) 80. More Up 2 di Time
Apple Music: 58. Amout (+27)
Apple Music Albums: 23. Viking (-5)
Cayman Islands
Apple Music Albums: 17. Viking (-6) 93. Dancehall Hero
Apple Music: 89. Fever
Apple Music Albums: 84. Viking (-52)
The Bahamas
iTunes: 9. My Money 94. Mile High Club (-49)
Apple Music: 88. Mile High Club (-10)
St. Lucia
Apple Music Albums: 47. Viking (+20)
Apple Music Albums: 58. Viking
Trinidad and Tobago
Apple Music Albums: 58. Viking (+39)
iTunes: 25. Dangerous (-5) 70. She Holding On (-5) 73. Love so 2015 (-5)
Shazam: 125. Hot Spot 127. God Is The Greatest 157. Mi Baby U 160. Clarks
Costa Rica
Shazam: 56. Clarks (-8)
Apple Music Albums: 94. Kingston Story (-11)
Turks and Caicos
Apple Music: 96. M.O.T.M
Apple Music: 97. Fever
iTunes: 75. Tell You Say (=)
Shazam: 188. Clarks
Shazam: 145. Clarks
Shazam: 180. Amout