iTunes: 37. Praise (-7)
YouTube: 45. Omemma (NE)
Apple Music: 15. Omemma (+3) 42. Jireh (+16) 71. Firm Foundation (+24) 82. Praise (+8)
Shazam: 63. I Have A Father (-6) 99. Omemma (-7)
Apple Music Albums: 48. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (-3)
iTunes: 19. Firm Foundation 29. Jireh
YouTube: 16. Omemma
Apple Music: 116. Omemma
Shazam: 77. Omemma (-2)
Deezer: 23. Omemma (-16)
iTunes Albums: 31. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles
Spotify: 150. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles
Apple Music Albums: 146. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles
iTunes: 5. Jireh 47. Firm Foundation (-8)
Apple Music: 22. Omemma (+5) 88. Firm Foundation (+11) 106. Jireh 138. Olorun Agbaye - You Are Mighty
Shazam: 75. Omemma (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 57. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (-7)
iTunes: 38. The One You Love (-7)
YouTube: 34. Omemma (NE) 84. Jireh (NE)
Apple Music: 22. Omemma (+7) 72. Jireh (+25)
Apple Music: 23. Omemma (+41) 34. Jireh (+45) 98. Olorun Agbaye - You Are Mighty
Apple Music Albums: 9. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (+19)
South Africa
iTunes: 23. Praise 166. Constant
Apple Music: 126. Praise 198. Jireh
iTunes: 83. Wait On You (-15)
Apple Music: 24. Omemma (+19) 65. Jireh
iTunes Albums: 9. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (-2)
Apple Music Albums: 35. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (+13)
Apple Music Albums: 14. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles
Solomon Islands
Apple Music: 65. Constant
Apple Music Albums: 39. The Maverick Way Complete (-1)
Apple Music: 47. Omemma (+33) 53. Jireh (+23)
Antigua and Barbuda
Apple Music Albums: 26. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (+6)
Apple Music Albums: 32. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles
St. Vincent and The Grenadines
Apple Music Albums: 37. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles
iTunes: 47. Jireh (+10)
Apple Music Albums: 58. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (+39)
iTunes: 55. Jireh (-21)
Apple Music Albums: 58. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (+14)
Shazam: 61. I Have A Father (-2) 89. Omemma (-4)
The Bahamas
Apple Music: 82. Jireh
Apple Music Albums: 95. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (-36)
Apple Music Albums: 61. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles
Apple Music Albums: 63. The Maverick Way Complete
Apple Music Albums: 73. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (+17)
Apple Music Albums: 75. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (-11)
Apple Music: 61. Jireh
Shazam: 193. I Have A Father
British Virgin Islands
Apple Music: 48. Jireh
Papua New Guinea
Apple Music: 63. Praise
United States
iTunes: 173. Praise
New Zealand
iTunes: 174. Praise
Trinidad and Tobago
iTunes: 74. Another Stone (-7)
iTunes Albums: 15. Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles (-8)
iTunes: 114. Jireh